다함께 챷챷챷

that destiny is at work and

h of existence was entirely random and unplanned, but now I am not so sure. At this stage in my life I feel these contingent decisions are amounting to something, that destiny is at work and, as the pieces fall mysteriously into place, that there is some sort of ultimate meaning. Life appears not random at all but part of a superior system, where the sum of these intuitions have an order, a greater purpose, an eventual orientation beyond what we ourselves can perceive. Even in the whorl of our own personal tragedies, when the cosmos appears at its most chaotic and impartial, I have come to see the world, in its complexity, rearranging itself toward meaning.

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매거진 ‘다함께 챷챷챷’은 일이 아닌
모든 것에 대해 이야기합니다.

재미있었던 일화, 맛있게 먹은 음식,
기억에 남는 영화의 한 장면,

오늘에서야 가사의 의미를 알게 된 노래 같은 것들

- 그리고 그 외에 많은 것에 관해 잡담을 나눕니다.

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